03/03/05 Schaumburg Homes Update
Schaumburg real estate market update for 03/03/05.
There are currently 102 single family homes listed on the MLS with a price range of $239,900 up to $789,000. Of the 102 homes currently listed 34 of them are currently under contract. This leaves 68 single family homes available in all of Schaumburg.
Attached homes are either condos, townhomes, or coach homes. There are 236 attached homes on the market with a price range of $96,900 for a studio condo up to $599,300 for a luxury 3 bedroom 2 and 1/2 bath townhome. 109 of these listed homes are under contract as of today and that leaves 127 attached homes that are available.
For more detailed information about Schaumburg visit SuburbanHouseHunters.com or visit Schaumburg's relocation guide.
There are currently 102 single family homes listed on the MLS with a price range of $239,900 up to $789,000. Of the 102 homes currently listed 34 of them are currently under contract. This leaves 68 single family homes available in all of Schaumburg.
Attached homes are either condos, townhomes, or coach homes. There are 236 attached homes on the market with a price range of $96,900 for a studio condo up to $599,300 for a luxury 3 bedroom 2 and 1/2 bath townhome. 109 of these listed homes are under contract as of today and that leaves 127 attached homes that are available.
For more detailed information about Schaumburg visit SuburbanHouseHunters.com or visit Schaumburg's relocation guide.